


There are some varieties in language. Language variation is caused by the existence of social interaction activities conducted by a very diverse society or group and because of its non homogeneous speakers.

1.        Individual language variations
            Everyone has their own idiolek. Idiolects are about "color" sound, word choice, language style, sentence structure, etc. The most dominant is the color of the sound, we can recognize the voice of someone we know just by hearing his voice
2.       Language’ using Variation
            Language variations with respect to its users, the wearer or its function is called the function, the variety or the register. This variation is usually discussed in terms of areas of use, style, or degree of form and means of use. Language variation based on this field of use is related to the language it is used for what purpose or field. For example, the fields of literature, journalism, agriculture, military, sailing, education, etc.
3.       Frozen varieties
            It is the most formal language variation, used in solemn and formal ceremonies. For example, in sermons, laws, notarial deeds, oaths, etc.
4.       The official varieties
            It  is the variation of the language used in the state speeches, official meetings, lectures, textbooks, etc.
5.       The frienship varieties
            It  is a variation of the language commonly used by the speakers whose hubngannya are familiar, such as between family members, or close friends. This variety uses incomplete language with vague articulations.


Speech community is a group of people  who use a same linguistic or language then express it into the same expectations of something or an ideology . that people  speak the same language and share the same dialect, words , and grammar rules of a language as a standard.  Actually, it refers to a group or community which all members live together in an area or they have any certain perspectives or interest about something. The speech community can share a certain set of vocabulary or grammatical rules and also the norms to how and when to speak in a certain way. Those groups can be a country, village, politics. Then, it also can be based on hobbies, age, culture, lifestyle, or just a group of friends. Speech  act changes in some way the conditions that exists in the world.

 Example: in Banci communities, they use particular vocabulary such as “akika”. It means “aku” and “begindang” is “begitu”. When they making transaction, “berapose” that means “berapa” or to say “benar” by saying “ember”

In Speech communities, there are:
a.       Intersecting communities: language that used from communities such as like we know people is baliness, batakness, sundaness by looking their word, accent, intonation and also dialect.
b.      Network and repertoire:  it is show that a person can be part of various speech communities by an interaction in network and repertoires is various language variotion that have got from network.

Factors of social communities:
People are separ­ated from one another by fine gradations of social class, regional origin, and occupation; by factors such as religion, sex, nationality, and ethnicity; by psy­chological differences such as particular kinds of linguistic skills, e.g., verbality or literacy; and by characteristics of personality.

1.      Is slang include of speech communities?
Answer: Yes, it is. Because slang is created from communities and it expand to be an informal language for some country that they often use slang in their communities.

2.      Is it possible one speech communities used by the other communities?
Answer: yes, it is possible. But it can be a good or bad word, if the user use it correctly and know that meaning.
3.      Why speech communities exist?
Answer: to make the people in community are enjoyable to interact each other and to  improve their language abilities that used in social activities.


Code-switching is changing event from one code to another.  Include the utterence and sentences to change to other language.

For example, at first someone uses Indonesian language, and then he/she switches into English. because his/her friend is understand English. So. This event manifests in switch of regional, social, style variation

Code-Mixing: The use of two or more language by putting in/inserting one language into other language consistently.  It just mix word or phrase.

If the speaker mixes his/her code/language, then it must be asked who the speaker is: his/her social background, level of education, religion, etc.
Such as: in English class, a students ask his friends “please accompany me to kamar mandi lah..” from these example we know there are two languages that has been used.
Another example indonesia and regional language:
A.  “Mangka seringkali sok ada kata-kata seolah-olah bahasa daerah itu kurang penting”.
B.   “Nah, karena sudah kadhung apik sama dia ya tak teken".
C.    Banyak klap malam harus ditutup, Hendaknya segera diadakan hutanisasi kembali.
D.    Sudah waktunya kita menghindari backing-backingan dan klik-klikan.

1.      What is the benefit we learn code switching and code mixing?
Answer: its benefit to make creation of language among people with different style make us to know more about variation language in our life. And with code mixing help us to have ability to use two or more language.

2.      Is this study flexible to use in all situation?
Answer: yes, it is. But actually it depends on people what we are talking with.

3.      Differences English and Arabic code mixing?
Answer: English and Arabic have different structure and rule to create code mixing. We have learn each code separately. Maybe in English its enough familiar for used code mixing but in arrabic its cannot flexible to mixing in English. As we know in Arabic, they use Hijaiah and another side, English uses alphabetical.




1. Background
Nowadays, we often meet the phenomenon of using two or more languages in communication. Terms like dialect, language, style, standard language, pidgin, and creole are part in language or a variety of a language can be said as a code. Term code, taken from information theory, can be used to refer to any kind of system that two or more people employ for communication. (It can actually be used for a system used by a single person, as when someone devises a private code to protect certain secrets.)
People are nearly always faced with choosing an appropriate code when they speak. Very young children may be exceptions, as may learners of a new language (for a while at least) and the victims of certain pathological conditions. In general, however, when you open your mouth, you must choose a particular language, dialect, style, register, or variety – that is, a particular code. You cannot avoid doing so. Moreover, you can and will shift, as the need arises, from one code to another. Within each code there will also be the possibility of choices not all of which will have the same import because some will be more marked than others, i.e., will be more significant. The various choices will have different social meanings.

We will look mainly at the phenomenon of code-switching and code-mixing in bilingual and multilingual situations. However, many of the issues that we will see there will also arise with those codes which can be called sub-varieties of a single language, e.g., dialects, styles, and registers.

2. Diglossia
            A diglossic situation exists in a society when it has two distinct codes which show clear functional separation; that is, one code is employed in one set of circumstances and the other in an entirely different set.
            Ferguson (1959, p. 336) has defined diglossia as follows:
diglossia is a relatively stable language situation in which, in addition to the primary dialects of the language (which may include a standard or regional standards), there is a very divergent, highly codified (often grammatically more complex) superposed variety, the vehicle of a large and respected body of written literature, either of an earlier period or in another speech community, which is learned largely by formal education and is used for most written and formal spoken purposes but is not used by any sector of the community for ordinary conversation.
            In the same article he identifies four language situations which show the major characteristics of the diglossic phenomenon. In each situation there is a ‘high’ variety (H) of language and a ‘low’ variety (L). Each variety has its own specialized functions, and each is viewed differently by those who are aware of both.
            A key defining characteristic of diglossia is that the two varieties are kept quite apart in their functions. One is used in one set of circumstances and the other in an entirely different set. For example, the H varieties may be used for delivering sermons and formal lectures, especially in a parliament or legislative body, for giving political speeches, for broadcasting the news on radio and television, and for writing poetry, fine literature, and editorials in newspapers. In contrast, the L varieties may be used in giving instructions to workers in lowprestige occupations or to household servants, in conversation with familiars, in ‘soap operas’ and popular programs on the radio, in captions on political cartoons in newspapers, and in ‘folk literature.’ On occasion, a person may lecture in an H variety but answer questions about its contents or explain parts of it in an L variety so as to ensure understanding.
            The H variety is the prestigious, powerful variety; the L variety lacks prestige and power. In fact, there may be so little prestige attached to the L variety that people may even deny that they know it although they may be observed to use it far more frequently than the H variety. Associated with this prestige valuation for the H variety, there is likely to be a strong feeling that the prestige is deserved because the H variety is more beautiful, logical, and expressive than the L variety. That is why it is deemed appropriate for literary use, for religious purposes, and so on.
            Another important difference between the H and L varieties is that all children learn the L variety. Some may concurrently learn the H variety, but many do not learn it at all; e.g., most Haitians have no knowledge at all of Standard French but all can speak some variety of Haitian Creole, although some, as I have said, may deny that they have this ability. The H variety is also likely to be learned in some kind of formal setting, e.g., in classrooms or as part of a religious or cultural indoctrination. To that extent, the H variety is ‘taught,’ whereas the L variety is ‘learned.’ Teaching requires the availability of grammars, dictionaries, standardized texts, and some widely accepted view about the nature of what is being taught and how it is most effectively to be taught. There are usually no comparable grammars, dictionaries, and standardized texts for the L variety, and any view of that variety is likely to be highly pejorative in nature. When such grammars and other aids do exist, they have in many cases been written by outsiders, e.g., ‘foreign’ linguists. They are also likely to be neither well known to the people whose linguistic usage they describe nor well received by those people, since such works are unlikely to support some of the myths that accompany diglossia, particularly the myth that the L variety lacks any kind of ‘grammar.’

3. Bilingualism and Multilingualism
            We often have mixed feelings when we discover that someone we meet is fluent in several languages: perhaps a mixture of admiration and envy but also, occasionally, a feeling of superiority in that many such people are not ‘native’ to the culture in which we function. Such people are likely to be immigrants, visitors, or children of ‘mixed’ marriages and in that respect ‘marked’ in some way, and such marking is not always regarded favorably.
            However, in many parts of the world an ability to speak more than one language is not at all remarkable. In fact, a monolingual individual would be regarded as a misfit, lacking an important skill in society, the skill of being able to interact freely with the speakers of other languages with whom regular contact is made in the ordinary business of living. In many parts of the world it is just a normal requirement of daily living that people speak several languages: perhaps one or more at home, another in the village, still another for purposes of trade, and yet
another for contact with the outside world of wider social or political organization. These various languages are usually acquired naturally and unselfconsciously, and the shifts from one to another are made without hesitation.
             An interesting example of multilingualism exists among the Tukano of the northwest Amazon, on the border between Colombia and Brazil (Sorensen, 1971). The Tukano are a multilingual people because men must marry outside their language group; that is, no man may have a wife who speaks his language, forthat kind of marriage relationship is not permitted and would be viewed as a kind of incest. Men choose the women they marry from various neighboring tribes who speak other languages. Furthermore, on marriage, women move into the men’s households or longhouses. Consequently, in any village several languages are used: the language of the men; the various languages spoken by women who originate from different neighboring tribes; and a widespread regional ‘trade’ language. Children are born into this multilingual environment: the child’s father speaks one language, the child’s mother another, and other women with whom the child has daily contact perhaps still others. However, everyone in the community is interested in language learning so most people can speak most of the languages. Multilingualism is taken for granted, and moving from one language to another in the course of a single conversation is very common. In fact, multilingualism is so usual that the Tukano are hardly conscious that they do speak different languages as they shift easily from one to another. They cannot readily tell an outsider how many languages they speak, and must be suitably prompted to enumerate which languages they speak and to describe how well they speak each one.
            Spanish and Guaraní exist in a relationship that Fishman (1980) calls ‘extended diglossic’ in which Spanish is the H variety and Guaraní the L variety. Spanish is the language used on formal occasions; it is always used in government business, in conversation with strangers who are well dressed, with foreigners, and in most business transactions. People use Guaraní, however, with friends, servants, and strangers who are poorly dressed, in the confessional, when they tell jokes or make love, and on most casual occasions. Spanish is the preferred language of the cities, but Guaraní is preferred in the countryside, and the lower classes almost always use it for just about every purpose in rural areas.
            We can see, therefore, that the choice between Spanish and Guaraní depends on a variety of factors: location (city or country), formality, gender, status, intimacy, seriousness, and type of activity. The choice of one code rather than the other is obviously related to situation. Paraguay identity requires you to be attuned to the uses of Spanish and Guaraní, to be aware that they ‘mean’ different things, and that it is not only what you say that is important but which language you choose to say it in.
            A bilingual, or multilingual, situation can produce still other effects on one or more of the languages involved. As we have just seen, it can lead to loss, e.g., language loss among immigrants. But sometimes it leads to diffusion; that is, certain features spread from one language to the other (or others) as a result of the contact situation, particularly certain kinds of syntactic features. This phenomenon has been observed in such areas as the Balkans, the south of India, and Sri Lanka. Gumperz and Wilson (1971) report that in Kupwar, a small village of about 3,000 inhabitants in Maharashtra, India, four languages are spoken: Marathi and Urdu (both of which are Indo-European) and Kannada (a non- Indo-European language). A few people also speak Telugu (also a non-Indo- European language). The languages are distributed mainly by caste. The highest caste, the Jains, speak Kannada and the lowest caste, the untouchables, speak Marathi. People in different castes must speak to one another and to the Teluguspeaking rope-makers. The Urdu-speaking Muslims must also be fitted in. Bilingualism or even trilingualism is normal, particularly among the men, but it is Marathi which dominates inter-group communication. One linguistic consequence, however, is that there has been some convergence of the languages that are spoken in the village so far as syntax is concerned, but vocabulary differences have been maintained (McMahon, 1994, pp. 214–16). It is vocabulary rather than syntax which now serves to distinguish the groups, and the variety of multilingualism that has resulted is a special local variety which has developed in response to local needs.

4. Code mixing
            Code mixing is the embedding of various linguistic units such as affixes (bound morphemes), words (unbound morphemes), phrases and clauses from a cooperative activity where the participants, in order to in infer what is intended, must reconcile what they hear with what they understand. Code mixing is consequence of bilingualsm or multingulism.
Example :
 Ibu A : Bu H, kumaha cai tadi wengi? Di abdi mah tabuh sapuluh nembe ngocor, kitu ge alit.
 Ibu H : Sami atuh. Bagaimana ibu T, nih? Kan biasanya air lancar.
Conversation above has two languages : Sundanese and Bahasa.
            Actually, in code-mixing we just take word by word from other language. It means we keep to our own language but just adding some words from others caused by some factors.


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1. What is sociolinguistics ?
Sociolinguistics is a branch of linguistics investigated the relationship between language and social. This is a contextual study over language variation in society in a nature communication. Then, it learns and discusses about society aspects in language especially the differences in language and social factors. Moreover, It focuses to a social community and linguistics  used in that community while it tries to correlate linguistics to things such as age, gender, classes, economic, regional, statuss, history, and so on. Clearly, Socioinguistics is tied by the value of culture in society including how people use a language. That value always relates what is good or not in using that language. The important point about sociolinguistics is about 3 things, those are language, social, and relationship between language and social. How a language is used to communicate between one person to another to change opinion each other and interact an individual to others.

2. Why do we learn sociolinguistics ?
As we know, sociolinguistics is a study about language and social. In learning sociolinguistics, we can be more understand  about using a language, variation of languages caused some factors, such as social level, age, gender, regional, and etc. Next, we will know how a language can be and how the process or history of a language and it is a language. We will know how a language is different to other language.  Then, except we get knowledge about sociolinguistics, we will also know how to use or apply good/polite language in our daily life. Beside that, in using language, it must have rules that we have to follow. So, in sociolinguistics will explain how to use a language that is suitable with language and social principle. As a guide, sociolinguistic shows us language, variation of language, and language style, so it help us to communicate with certain people, or even in certain places.

3.What is the relationship between language and society ?
Language is essentially a set of items like sounds, words, grammatical structures, and so on. On another side, society is a group of people who have the same geographical or social territory and culture. So what is the relation of them ? the first is the social structure may influence or determine linguistic structure and behavior. As example : young children when speak up to older children will be different. Same like they speak to adult, it will reflect consider word choices, rules, regional, ethnic, gender, culture, etc. The second is linguistic structure and behavior may influence or determine social structure. The third is language and society may influence each other. This is about nature of human being that is influence dialectical. Speech behavior and social behavior are in a state of constant interaction’ and that ‘material living conditions’ are an important factor in the relationship as long as life of human being.

4. Please mention and explain the branches of linguistics !
Linguistics can be divided imto two : pure linguistics and applied linguistics.
a.      Pure linguistics (nature of language itself)
· Phonetics/Phonology: This level focuses on the smallest unit of structure in language, the phoneme. Linguistic rules at this level describe how sounds are pronounced in various contexts. So what is difference between phonetics and phonology ? Phonology is learning about  pronounciation of sounds while phonetics is the result of it in the form of  voice. 
For example : when you say  ‘B’  [bi], your libs closed and then opened with the encouragement of the air, so you can be producing  [bi]. Phonetics/Phonology , It includes place and manner of articulation.
·  Morphology: The next level of structure is the morpheme, the smallest unit of meaning in language. Rules of morphology focus on how words (and parts of words) are structured. It  describes all facets of word formation, such as how prefixes and suffixes are added.
 For exampel : love =>loved, loving ; try => tried, trying.
·Syntax: The largest level of structure is the clause, which can be analyzed into what are called clause functions: subject, predicator, object, complement, and adverbial. Syntax is learning about  specifically how words, phrases, clauses, and sentences are structured.
For example : I broke it
it is a main clause – it can stand alone as a sentence, as opposed to a subordinate clause, which has to be part of an independent clause – and can be analyzed as containing : a subject (I), a predicator (broke), a direct object (it)
·Semantics:  the study of semantics is typically focused on such topics as the meaning of individual words (lexical semantics) and the ability of words to refer to points in time or individuals in the external world (deixis).
At the level of sound, Example :  kick /kIk/ and sick /sIk/, the choice of /k/ vs. /s/ results in words with two entirely different meanings.
At the level of morphology, placing the prefix un- before the word happy results in a word with an opposite meaning: unhappy.
At the level of syntax, the sentence Jose wrote to  Carla means something entirely different than Carla wrote to Jose because in English, word order is a crucial key to meaning. But even though meaning is present at all levels of linguistic structure.
Semantics is the study which learning  the meaning of morphemes, words, phrases and sentences. Semantics do not care about the situation when morpheme, word, or phrase that is used. The object of study semantics has only one meaning, the meaning attached to it in accordance with the dictionary.
Example : (correct)  I walked in the road yesterday.
                  (incorrect) I walked in the sea yesterday ( in syntax, it is true structure)
b.Applied linguistics (mutlidiciplinary which relates between world problems and language)
Actually so many studies about this, but I just mention some of them.
·Pragmatics : It is learning not just about meaning that attached to themorpheme, word, phrase or sentence, but also context of a speech is uttered.Pragmatics also pay attention to the time, place, situation, who utter the speechand to whom it is addressed.
· Sociolinguistics : study about language and social.
In sociolinguistics will expain about how a language exists and how can be varian of language. Then, it will explain how people interaction each other based on factors such as culture, gender, regional, topic, class, etc.
·Pycholinguistics : it investigates the mental mechanisms underlying language processing. Then, How to perceive words and store them in the mind, how to understand a sentence, how to learn to read, how language and writing systems influence mental organizations. Beside that, in this study will explain how someone can speak two or more languages ( language acquisition ).

5.What is standard language ? giving an example!
Standar language is varian of languages are received to be used in formal situations like in legislation, correspondence, school, media or even international communication.
Ex :  one regional has different standar language to another regional like pronounciation, dialect, structure, and vovabulary), a language in a textbook.

6.Elaborating a language, dialect, and accent, please!
Language : a device is used to communicate.
Dialect : different pronounciation and vocabulary that is influenced by some factors like culture, regional, and so on.
Accent : different pronounciation among one person to others but keep the same language.
Everyone has its own way in using a language that depends on the culture, regional, gender, ethnic, etc. Because of that, they may have their dialect to make different to others like where they are from (one region has different dialect to another region). Beside that, although they live in same place/area/region or have same culture, ethnic, they can have different accent, how they pronounce a sound in same word.

7.Givin an example of formal language and informal language!
Formal language : would you like coffee ? / I will be there
Informal language : love coffee ? / I’ll be there.

8.What aspects   of language are sociolinguistics interested in ?
Sociolinguistics are intersested in exploring why people speak differently in different social contexts. It is related with the ways people signal aspects of their social identity through a language. Sociolinguistcs are interested in social factors such as social status, age, gender, class, region, culture, language varieties (dialects, registers, genres, so on ). It also concers in identifying the social functions of language and the ways that language is used to convey social meaning.

9. When two or more people from different language met and tried to communicate what should they do ?
a. Pidgin is simplified language that develops in a community that does not have  native speaker.
b.  Creole is simple language, that has simple grammar and structure that is a result of pidgin itself and it needs long process.
c.    Lingua franca is a language used to communicate that does not have native language.

When two or people met and tried to communicate, they spoke using  language which is no native language (Lingua franca). As we know that language had no native speaker (pidgin). After passed long process, that language can be a simple language (Creole) used to communicate.

10.Why do people switch and mix a language ?
People do switching and mixing a language can be influenced some factors :
a.       To show identity with a group (i.e English Departement, student of English department may use English in context of university/class/doing presentation)
b.      To address different audience (i.e a person talks to someone who has different language of him will using a language which can be understood each other. Clearly, someone from java when meets someone from minangnese will speak Bahasa to make their understand each other.)
c.       Lack of facility (i.e sometimes a person does not know how to speak a word in that language, then he changes it to another language.)
d.      To attract attention (i.e  sometimes, someone speak a language or a word that they know but express’ it to another language just in order looks cool or impressive. The word “cantik” is common word in Bahasa, it changes to English. “kamu beautiful”)
e.       Habitual expression ( it is influenced by social, culture, region, etc)
f.       Mood of speaker

11. Giving an example of code switching and code mixing!
Code switching :
X : how about tomorrow ? we can do our homework tomorrow.
Y : it’s cool. But where ?
X : hmm. Here. My home.
X : ma, besok kami ngerjakan tugas disini ya.
A : iya.

Code mixing : what’s up! Udah lama ga jumpa. Kemana aja ?


Group 3 :
Jamal Fadhli
Nita Prakasiwi
Siti Rafiah

Pidgin is  simplified language that develops in a community that does not have common language or native speaker.
Pidgin is simple language, that has simple grammar and structure.
For example : Ladyboy language ( there is no native speaker there, and understood by themselves)

Creoles is a language as a result of pidgin itself and it needs long process.
For example : Tok Pisin language in Papua New Guinea, it consists of English and its own language.

Questions :

Fajrin : what are pidgin and creoles ?  give more example please!
Answer : Pidgin is  simplified language that develops in a community that does not have common language or native speaker. It is simple language, that has simple grammar and structure.
For example : Ladyboy language ( there is no native speaker there, and understood by themselves)
Creoles is a language as a result of pidgin itself and it needs long process.
For example : Tok Pisin language in Papua New Guinea, it consists of English and its own language.
Another example is Ocu language (Indonesia), formed from minangnese and malay

Syahfitri : what are advantages of learning pidgin and creoles as a teacher ?
Answer : as a teacher, we know that our students have many characteristics in using language. And those languages must have pidgin and creoles.
The advantages : 1. Teacher will be a bridge for students’ languages itself.
2. students can be more motivated and enthusiasm. 3. Increaseing their enjoy caused many languages around them.

Annisa : what is relationship among pidgin, creoles, and sociolinguistics ?
Answer : sociolinguistics is language in relation to social factors, including differences of regional, class, bilingualism, etc.
Pidgin is  simplified language that develops in a community that does not have common language or native speaker. It is simple language, that has simple grammar and structure.
Creoles is a language as a result of pidgin itself and it needs long process.
So what is their relation ? that is pidgin and creoles are part of sociolinguistics.


By group 2
Dikkky Fradana
Fenny Dwi Yanti
Susi Lestari

Variety is a set of linguistic items with similar distribution, a definition that allows us to say that all of the following are varieties: Canadian English, London English, the English of football commentaries, and so on.

Regional variation in the way a language is spoken is likely to provide one of the easiest ways of observing variety in language.

The term dialect can also be used to describe differences in speech associated with various social groups or classes. There are social dialects as well as regional ones. An immediate problem is that of defining social group  or social class ; giving proper weight to the various factors that can be used to determine social position, e.g., occupation, place of residence, education, ‘new’ versus ‘old’ money, income, racial or ethnic origin, cultural background, caste, religion, and so on. Such factors as these do appear to be related fairly directly to how people speak.

Style of language is the way to speak, it can be normally or very normally or even nothing at all. It depends your choice being governed circumstances.

Registers are sets of language items associated with discrete occupational or social groups. Surgeons, airline pilots, bank managers, sales clerks, jazz fans, and pimps employ different registers.

Questions :

Mike : why is sociolect more related to social than geographic background ?
Answer : sociolect or social dialet is a variety of language associated with a social group such as a socioeconomic class, an ethnic group, an age group, etc.so why more related to social  ? because in geographic background is just a certain region uses specific phonological, mhorphosyntactic or lexical rules. It is different if it is social because it will consider to many aspects.

Ratna : could you give more example the main difference between social and regional dialect ?
Answer : Regional dialect is spoken is likely to provide one of the easiest ways of observing variety in language (e.g minangnese, bataknese, and bahasa). While social dialect is giving proper weight to the various factors that can be used to determine social position (e.g., occupation, place of residence, education, ‘new’ versus ‘old’ money, income, racial or ethnic origin, cultural background, caste, religion)

Asep : please explain the differences among language, dialect and accent!
Answer : 1. Language is a device/tool to communicate . 2. Dialect is  a regional or social variety of a language distinguished by pronounciation, grammar and vocabulary. 3. Accent is the way to speak in one language but different pronountiation from one people to other people.

TM : how can one language be different with other languages ?

Answer : it can be influenced by many factor, like social class, geographic or regional, culture, and etc.


Presented by Group 1 ( Asri Laraswati, Tm Ridhani, and Shela Safira)

Sociolinguists is the study of the relationship between language and society. It will explain why people speak differently in different social contexts and the ways it is used to convey social meaning as well as about the social relationships in a community, and the way people convey and construct aspects of their social identity through their language.

1.      Why accent and dialeg is included into sociolinguistics ?
Answer : sociolinguistic is the study of language in social life. As a life goes on, language can change. So dialect or accent can also change over time.
2.      Give example of sociolinguistics and sociology of language.
Answer : sociolinguistics is more concerned with details of the use of language in a society, such as details of the use of certain cultural dialegues ( common in society) - > I want you
sociology of language is the study of language usage and the diversity of languages in a society, so this study places more language as a tool for conveying self-expression in individual interactions  (slang, bahasa alay) - > I want ya
3.      What is differences between accent and dialeg
Answer : accent :  it is like how to pronoun a language. ( one people can pronoun a word that is different from others)

Dialeg : variaty of language based on used. It can be in geografis but sometime social factors also. ( in an area to other area can have different word though for the same means)