

Her own style is hers

This is what I think about Rumintang Harianja. Rumintang or Rumy like I usually call is one of my friends. We are in same class from Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, English Departement.  But honestly I am not really close with her. I do not know why, but like I see, she is a silent girl. When she was at class, when were getting a lesson, she was really silent girl.  She did not talk about unimportant things. If she talked about that, I was not sure if it was much.
Rumintang is a smart girl, I think. Although she like that (like I said before), she is care about her school. She has good concentration in lesson. When I saw her in presentating in class, she understood about her topic. I know It must be, everyone must understand about the topic, but what I meant is she really understand. She was care about her group. When she was presentating, she looked smart even answering the question. she looked smart with how her ways to answer, used the words that might I did not think to use the words or sentences like that. I often think that how she could be like that. When the first I knew her, I thought she was a shy girl and had arrogant side. I aslo ever thought that she did not like me or everyone in our class yeah except some her friends who really close with her. But after I saw, she was not arrogant, maybe a shy girl was true.
We are in same class and not close each other. You can see that statement. We are not close it does not mean that I have bad relation wih her. Actually when I speak or want to do something with Rumy just for important things and she is too. We just talk for something like this “could I borrow you pen, book, or anything bla bla bla or could you help me?” something like that and my pleasure to lend her. I do not claim much, just I think Rumy has lack of socialization. Honestly I want to close with her, make her become one of my good friends, but cause she is like that, I do not know how to start, so it makes me go away.
I have a friend that ever lived one boarding house with her. Sometime we went to their boarding house, I always found Rumy was busy with her handphone or went to another boarding house that might watch tv or just talk. The question is why was she always busy with other activities ? actually we were in same class, it was better if we were closer each other. I asked to my friend who had a same kos with there, she said Rumy actually was like that. Even they were in same kos, they were not close.
Beside that, Rumy is a christian who is obedient to god. Every sunday, she comes to church as a christian. she also follow the organizatians which in the church. Looking what she does, she is very kind person. Has a humble, making many people like her. I agree with that, actually she is nice person. may, her ways has been true, but just her ways to say is the problem now. she is good person, kind person, just does not how to say.
Another Rumy’s style that I like is she is really care with her friends.  I mean the friends who has really close with her. If there is something like her friends are disturbed by another guy, she will protect, she will save them. I ever saw Rumy saved her friend because  disturbed and she got angry. Rumy has soft voice, but when she get angry, her soft voice, I do not sure it will keep be like that. It makes me get goosebumps.
Rumy is a feminime girl. Looking how her style, she is always care how her fashion when she is on campus. I mean it is not glamorous or luxurious or something like that. How  her fashion is  just simple, but it is good to see. It can be said  simple but tidy. If you see that, may you do not feel bored with that. Beside how her style, she is also a smart person. She is really know what the important first. Like I said (before posting), how her effort to be able to get school in Pekanbaru. It can be as spirit to her to be focus with her school.

Oke. Just it, I have said before that I am not really close with her, so not much what I could write about her, thanks.

Biography Rumintang Harianja : Her Ways with Different Ways

Rumintang Harianja adalah seorang mahasiswi Fakultas Ilmu Keguruan dan Pendidikan jurusan Bahasa Inggris di Pekanbaru, Riau. Ia merupakan mahasiswi semester tiga yang sedang melanjutkan perjuangan menuju cita – cita dan kesuksesannya saat ini. Rumintang atau yang lebih akrab dipanggil Rumi, Ia adalah anak ke tiga dari enam bersaudara dari bapak Hitler Harianja dan ibu Darnaris Manurung. Dia berasal dari bagan siapi – api, lebih tepatnya Kuala Raja Bejamu Kecamatan Sinaboi. Wanita yang lahir pada 15 April 1997 ini, memulai karir sekolahnya dengan umur 6 tahun kurang di SDN 05 Kuala Bejamu, kemudian di lanjutkan di SMPN 01 Sinaboi dan SMAN 01 Sinaboi.
Diamasa sekolahnya, ia termasuk murid yang pendiam. Meski dikatakan termasuk anak yang pendiam, namun di dalam kelas, dia menjadi anak yang aktif. Teman – temannya mengatakan bahwa Rumi adalah orang yang pintar. Dia selalu masuk dalam daftar sepuluh siswa terbaik dikelasnya. Selalu menaati aturan sekolah, murid yang baik dalam berperilaku  serta termasuk orang yang pintar, membuat guru – guru mengenali Rumy sebagai sosok yang patut dibanggakan. Selain di kenal baik disekolah, saat dirumah, Rumy termasuk anak yang suka menolong ibunya. Ibunya mempunyai sebuak kedai yang mana Rumi akan menjaga kedai tersebut sebagai salah satu cara menolong ibunya. Ia juga suka menolong ibunya membersihkan rumah, memasak, dll.
Rumintang bisa dikatakan sebagai wanita tak banyak bersosialisasi. Dia lebih cenderung suka dirumah. Melakukan kegiatan yang digemarinya seperti mendengarkan musik. Ketika dia mendengarkan musik, ia cenderung ikut didalamnya, dalam artian ia akan ikut bernyanyi mengikuti lirik lagu di musik yang diputarnya, itu hal yang menyenangkan untuknya. Rumi juga mencintai memasak. Ia suka melakukan kegiatan memasak dan akan suka jika orang lain menyicipinya. Dia akan selalu bertanya bagaimana rasanya dan akan mengambil saran – saran kepada orang lain mengenai masakannya. Ia akan belajar melalui itu untuk meningkatkan skillnya dalam memasak. Hal yang paling tidak disukai Rumintang adalah berolahraga. Ia akan melakukan apapun untuk menghindari yang namanya olahraga.
Awal ia pndah ke Pekanbaru karena menempuh pendidikan, ia tinggal bersama Bibinya di Jl Hang Tuah, Kulim. Karena beberapa alasan seperti jarak yang cukup jauh ke kampus, ia memutuskan untuk mengekos. Kos nya berada di Patria Sari 4 yang letaknya di belakang Universitas Lancang Kuning. Rumintang yang berwatak introvert lebih sering meghabiskan waktunya di kos, mengerjakan tugas kuliah atau sekedar bersantai daripada pergi bersama teman – teman untuk berkumpul di suatu tempat.
Sebelum pindah ke Pekanbaru, ia menikuti sebuah organisasi di Gereja. Diamana organisasi ini menolong Rumy agar menjadi orang yang lebih aktif. Mengembangkan bakat dan minat terhadap suatu hal serta mengajarkan bagaimana menjadi kristiani yang percaya diri dalam beragama serta baik dalam menjadi pelayan Tuhan. Rumintang actif mengikuti organisasi ini selama 3 tahun dan akhirnya pindah ke Pekanbaru untuk menempuk pendidikan. Meski begitu, ia tidak benar – benar keluar dari organisasi tersebut. Meski tidak bisa dibilang actif, ia tetap memiliki peran disana, membantu menyalurkan ide untuk membuat organisasi tersebut menjadi lebih baik serta tetap menjaga kekerabatan antara anggota dalam organisasi. 


It might the most experience that embarrassing and historic ever in my life. That time, I was still in senior high school, class 1 exactly. On the first semester vacation, my family decided to take a long term vacation.  Its mean was a week. Do you know how happy I was. To be honest this was rare decision from my big family. Remember! From my big family. Beacuse usually when we have vacation it just 5 days maximal. We got vacation to West Sumatra. I was a litle sad because our vacation is West Sumatra. But it was oke. As long as it could be said to be a vacation.
The first day was a day of exhausting journay. We set off Sunday morning, about 8 am from home. We di not a lot of preparation before,though just snack for the go. So, when we were on gas station, i bought many snack in the minimarket near gas station. My mom gave me money t buy it, i bought snacks of course just snacks that only I like. Dont ask me why. Hahahah.
Until the time I wanted to grab a cold drink, I saw  bottle of Indomilk milk. I thought of my sister's children, Sinta. He was very fond of milk and I was so. Only, if I buy it I felt I wanted too. I was holding myself because I was afraid of nausea while on the road if I drank it. After thought - and I think more kindly, yeah I just enter the 3 bottles of chocolate milk of Indomilk it into my shopping cart. And my misfortune sarted  from the decision to buy them.
This morning the main thing was unloaded. We arrived at the grandmother's house around 7 pm. Very tired  just for a trip. It was all due to traffic. It was  the holiday season, so reasonable people on holiday and  we were. I lowered all the items - our belongings in the car, hmm I meant almost all our goods. Maybe today we would not be anywhere. Only at home to rest for our weary journey. Maybe we would start our adventure tomorrow. I could not wait.
The third day, we started  our adventure by going to a waterfall. It was very fun, very pretty waterfall and the water was very cold. It took  just two hours from my grandma's house to this beautiful place. I rolled down the provision that we hsd prepared before leaving here. Eating together at a place like this would be fun. When the last time I was back to the car, my sister told me to take his glasses in the car. I was annoyed. It might take 20 meters to walk from where we were sitting in the car. Worse I had been back for five times. But the resentment was replaced when I saw  three milk bottles that I purchased in the gas station that time. 3 bottles were neatly arranged on the car door and one of them had been broken. Sinta already drank it and left half. I took one, of course not had been opened.
I walked casually with glasses and milk that I took. I casually drank during a trip to them. When they arrived, do you know what the first I heard ? weeping. Sinta, my sister’s child was crying so bad. Why ? why ? why ?  after I searched out the cause. Milk. I hold it. He cried because I took hers.
Today I did not think so exited because my mood had been marred by a trivial thing. I hold the milk bottle. I cursed myself why I did not spend it before approached them earlier. As a result I had to be troubled by my sister who spoiled child. She was 5 years old and still in phase the most active. I felt my leg almost broke. Oh god.
On the return trip back home grandmother, about 5pm. I thought I needed to sleep even if only briefly. Mother, sister, yeah all who were in the car were  talking. I was not really care because I had my own world. I took the earphones in my small bag. Listening to Korean songs might make myself better. I was so busy listening to my songs, I feltl like singing along, but .... a fluid and litle sticky on my skin. Almost half of my face wet. I was suprised. do you know what happened? milk on my face. Indomilk milk bottles that were opened and it was the bottle which I saw when taking glasses. And you know who threw it to me? yess. Sinta. Maybe she intended to joke, but it was not funny at all.
The next day. I had already forgotten what happened. There was no advantage if I had problem with the little girl.  it was time a new adventure. Our goal was the beach. I did not know the name of the beach, but my brother said it was beautiful beach. I saw  Sinta sitting with my mother. I continued to watch because she was drinking milk last time I bought it. I continued to watch. I'm afraid if she watered me  again with milk like yesterday. Hello guys. This is just a prefix. Not funny if I just started  my day with a suit filled with chocolate milk. But unlike my negative thoughts, we arrived at the beach safely. I was safe without spilled milk. Thanks god.
Wow. The beach was  really  really pretty. When run of the car I ran to the beach. The sea of ​​blue and far sighted an island. We sekeluaga enjoyed suasa shores. I was busy walking on the seaside. Let my skin touched by sea water. Sister and my brother was busy taking pictures while my father and mother sat in a gazebo while talking. Sinta? He is also busy with his own world. He was busy playing with a bottle of milk that have been depleted. Entering the sand in the bottle. I did not care. I just wanted to enjoy with this beautiful beach. I was thirsty, so I decided to place my mom took a drink, but, suddenly I was startled by a dog staring at me sekitat 5 meters from me. I'm afraid. Maybe this is a rabid dog or ... I wanted to run and bukkk ..... bumped my head on the object hard enough. And ..... it is a bottle of milk. Bottle of milk ? milk bottles filled with sand by Sinta. "Are you okay?" A voice to avert my eyes. "Sorry, I just wanted to hit the dog, not you" he mengucapannya with his face to feel guilty. Seolang men - men who threw the bottle into my head. He helped me to stand up. Oh God. If you were not handsome I would kill you. It was words in my head. he felt sorry. But it's okay, I forgave him. Do you know what did make me happy? he asked my phone number
Wow. The beach was really - really pretty. When out of the car I ran to the beach. The sea was blue. Our whole family enjoyed the atmosphere. I was busy walking on the seaside. Let my skin touched by sea water. Sister and my brother was busy taking pictures while my father and mother sat in a gazebo while talking. Sinta? shee was also busy with her own world. Shee was busy playing with a bottle of milk that had been depleted. Entering the sand in the bottle. I did not care. I just wanted to enjoy with this beautiful beach. I was thirsty, so I decided to my mom took a drink, but, suddenly I was startled by a dog that looked at about five meters away from me. I was  afraid. Maybe this was  a rabid dog or ... I wanted to run and bukkk ..... bumped my head on the object hard enough. And ..... it was a bottle of milk. Bottle of milk ? milk bottles filled with sand by Sinta. "Are you okay?" A voice averting my eyes. "Sorry, I just wanted to hit the dog, not you" he said  with a guilty face. A boy  who threw the bottle into my head. He helped me to stand up. Oh God. If you were not handsome I would kill you. It was words in my head. he felt sorry. But it's okay, I forgave him. Do you know what did make me happier? he asked my phone number.

This is an example of prose. If I have mistake in grammatical, I am sorry. I’m still not really good in grammar. You can comment in this posting if it need to repair the grammatical.
Actually it is not real my experience.


Prose is one of kind of literature. The term “prose” originates from the Latin prosa, meaning "in phrase" which was derived from prosa oratio, meaning "straight, direct, unadorned speech." This phrase was derived from prorsus, meaning "straightforward or direct" and can be further traced to pro versusm, meaning "turned forward."

 According to Wikipedia, Prose is a form of language that possesses ordinary syntax and natural speech rather than rhythmic structure; in which regard, along with its measurement in sentences rather than lines, it differs from poetry. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Literature )

Another definition, It is also defined to be as the epic literature that is written in lines. It is basic literature that is seen and used daily. Prose includes books, such as novels, tales, and short stories. Like any other literary work, it has different characteristics, and rules and regulations that make up the prose.
About characteristics, there are characteristics of prose which divided by purpose :

1.     Narrative: writing which tells a story (can be fiction or non-fiction); usually told in chronological order; has characters; follows the basic plot-line - exposition, rising action, climax, falling action.
2.     Expository: gives basic information; used often in speeches and essays; does not tell a story or argue.
3.     Descriptive: describes something in detail, again without telling a story or arguing a point; used most often in combination with another mode of writing, but alone is often found in scientific or medical reports.
4.     Persuasive: argues a point (or two sides of a question); gives evidence in favor or against.

Actually there are many types of prose, it even include essays, letters, editorials, articles, and journals.

Some Common Types of Prose

1. Nonfictional Prose: A literary work that is mainly based on fact although it may contain fictional elements in certain cases. Examples are biographies and essays.
2. Fictional Prose: A literary work that is wholly or partly imagined or theoretical. Examples are novels.
3. Heroic Prose: A literary work that may be written down or recited and employs many of the formulaic expressions found in oral tradition. Examples are legends and tales.
4. Prose Poetry: A literary work which exhibits poetic quality using emotional effects and heightenedimagery but are written in prose instead of verse.

So I can conclude that Prosa is a writing which is written just with ordinary grammatical and natural speech. Although like that, it does not lose the literature values and still nice to read.

References :



Generally, most people have their own ideas of what literature is.  Most attempted definitions are broad and vague, and they inevitably change over time.  In fact, the onlything that is certain about defining literature is that the definition will change.

I have some definitions of literature.
 1.   From wikipedia, "Literature, in its broadest sense, is any written work; etymologically the term derives from Latin literatura/litteratura "writing formed with letters" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Literature )

2.  Hendry van Dyke, “Literature consists of those writing which in interpret the meanings of nature and life, in words of charm and power, touched with the personality of the author, in artistic forms of permanent interest” (https://www.scribd.com/doc/27042357/LITERATURE )

3.  Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq (Muslim Scholar and Philosopher), “Literature is the garment which one puts on what he says or writes so that it may appear more attractive.” (http://www.scribd.com/doc/27042357/LITERATURE )

4.  Roman Jakobson (Russian Formalist), “Literature is organized violence committed on ordinary speech” (http://www.scribd.com/doc/27042357/LITERATURE )

5.  Ezra Pound, “Great literature is simply language charged with meaning to the utmost possible degree.” (http://www.scribd.com/doc/27042357/LITERATURE)

6.  E.M. Forster, "What is wonderful about great literature is that it transforms the man who reads it towards the condition of the man who wrote." (http://classiclit.about.com/od/basicsliteratureintro/a/aa_literaturequ.htm )

7.  C.S. Lewis, "Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become." (http://classiclit.about.com/od/basicsliteratureintro/a/aa_literaturequ.htm )

8.  Salman Rushdie, "Literature is where I go to explore the highest and lowest places in human society and in the human spirit, where I hope to find not absolute truth but the truth of the tale, of the imagination and of the heart." (http://classiclit.about.com/od/basicsliteratureintro/a/aa_literaturequ.htm )

9.  Literature is referred to as the entirety of written expression, with the restriction that not every written document can be categorized as literature in the more exact sense of the word. (Mario Klarer. 2004. AN INTRODUCTION TO LITERARY STUDIES Second edition. London and New York [pdf])

10.  James H & Hoeper, Jeffrey D, " the creation of literature is a uniquely human activity, born of man's timeless desire to understand, express, and finally share experiences. (http://www.idwrite.com/2015/04/definition-of-literature-according-to.html )

From all statements above, I conclude that Literature is a writing which is written with human feeling, human minds,  maybe it is experience or just imajination and it is made with using beautiful words.
It is same like I like reading novel, especially romantic novel. When I read a novel, I can feel the story in it. I can imagine the moment or feel I am one of characters in that novel.  Novel is one of  literatures. The other, like poetry, drama, short story, etc. They are literature. I think, in our life, we can not avoid the literature because literature always with us.
References :

Mario Klarer. 2004. AN INTRODUCTION TO LITERARY STUDIES Second edition. London and New York [pdf]