


For now, I want to explain about PHONETICS. First we have to know what  Phonetics is.

How do you make these sounds?
What properties do these sounds have?


Phonetics is the study of sounds. To understand the mechanics of human languages one has to understand the physiology of the human body. Letters represent sounds in a rather intricate way. This has advantages and disadvantages. To represent sounds by letters in an accurate and uniform way the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) was created.

Phonetics also can be called “Place of Articulation” is the place where speech sounds produced.
The places of articulation are as follows.

 =èSpeech sound in which the mouth is open and the tongue is mot touching the top of the mouth, teeth, etc. ([ɑ], [ɒ], [i], [u], [e],[o])
Ex : fAther, sIt, fUll, pEn, On

1.      Bilabial => a speech sound made by both upper and lower lip. ([p], [b], [m])
Ex : Pen, Both, Mother, liP

2.      Labiodental => a speech ound formed with upper teeth and lower lip. ([f], [v])
Ex : saFe, saVe, Fan, Vote,
                        Note : paragraPH, PHoto, etc ---> [f]

3.      Dental => a speech sound produced with the tongue againts the upper front  teeth. ([ᶿ], [ð])  Ex : teeTH, THree, THursday, THe, THere

4.      Alveolar => a speech sound formed with the tongue touching behind the uper teeth. ([t], [d], [n], [s], [z])
Ex : Top, Zebra, Nice, Doll

5.      Palatal => s speech sound produced with the tongue and the palate. ([ʧ], [ʃ])
Ex : [ʃ] ------- SHoe, bruSH, waSH,
      [ʧ]--------CHeat, CHicken, teaCHer

6.      Velar => a speech sound produced with the back of the tongue aaints the velum (soft palate). ([k], [g])
Ex : kiD, Kill, Car, Cold, baG, muG, Good

7.      Glottal => a speech sound produced without the active use of the tongue and other part of the mouth. ([h])
Ex : Have, House, wHom, wHose

Just it, thank you to come to my blog. I hope that can help you.

References : Charles F. Mayer. 2009. Introducing  English Linguistics, [pdf] .
         M. Louie, Introductory Linguistics, [pdf].
        Marcus Kracht. Introduction to Linguistics, [pdf].
       Abbas, M. Fadhly Farhy. 2015. A Coursebook of Pronounciation.

Good Book!!!!!

Do you know that everyone need a language to communicate ?
Ok. I want to introduce a book to you, this book is  Linguistics Book. Do you know Linguistics ? like I said in my post before, Linguistics is the sience of  language and that is semiotic system.
Do you want more about Linguistics ?  YOU CAN GET IT IN THIS BOOK!!!!
”A Linguistic Primer  for Malaysians”  is a Linguistics Book is created by Loga Mahesan Baskaran.
In this book, all you want to know can be found, the language that is used is very  easy. You can understand the explaination of this book. There are many contents in this book, first about intoduction of linguistic. It give simple way to understand. Not only intoduction, you also can find such as explaination of phonetics, phonology, morphology, etc. Reading this book, you can know how the first we can speak. Where is the voice from ? how can we speak ? why is there language to communicate ? you can know it with reading this book. Fom you are a baby, just cry and until now, you can speak fluently, speak with many expression, comunicate to others. YOU KNOW ? IT NEEDS PROCESS. So What is its process ?


ECC Muach :*

I want to tell you about ECC or English Conversation Club. Exactly in my faculty, Lancang Kuning University. ECC is done every Saturday.  Each college students in Faculty of Teachers  Training and  Education in Lancang Kuning University  are  required to follow this event up to 4 semesters.
So many choices in ECC such as Debate, Dance, Drama, Conversation and so on.


I had ever  thought before that ECC was not important.
Why ? you know why ? I’ll tell you. Because every Saturday , I thought  it was important day caused there was  no compulsory  schedule.

 I mean  that it is  the good time to be lazy in my bed, althought Sunday is free time too.
 Beside that, my house is so far from campus. Need 45 minutes to come there. And also so many assignments  that must be done, oh god. It makes me frustation.

But like I said before. 

Ok, I took “DEBATE”. You want to know why I was in Debate ? because there was no choice -_-
Debate class is a class the least desirable.  Honestly I didn’t want to Debate Class also, so what could I do ?

Althought like that, I kept following this class.

IT IS MIRACLE (lebay) :D

I did not know why but I started liking this class. I got new knowladge, they taught the ways, strategies how to debate. You know ? each the class meeting, it was  like a war. It was  interested for me. Everyone gave  the opinions, we talked about everything. Politics, economics, sports, all about things that happened in the world.
I got new knowladge, new vocabularies, something that I did not know I got it in Debate Class.

After that story, I think ECC is not bad. I feel so sorry  about my thinking previously.
ECC,,, Mianhe Saranghae......


The Easy Way To Understand Linguistics

First we have to know What is linguistics ?

Linguistics is the sience of  language. As you know, language is means to communicate, it is semiotic systems. So what is semiotic system ? Semiotic systems are systems of communication and include not just human language but, for instance, gesture, music, art, and dress as well. Like any system, language has structure, and the succeeding sections
provide an overview of this structure: the modes (speech, writing, signs) in
which language is transmitted, and the conventions (both linguistic and
social) for how sounds, words, sentences, and texts are structured.

And about semiotic system, whether it is spoken, written, or signed, every language has structure, which can be described, as Leech (1983: 21–4) notes, by postulating:

(1) rules governing the pronunciation of sounds; the ways that words are
put together; the manner in which phrases, clauses, and sentences
are structured; and, ultimately, the ways that meaning is created;
(2) principles stipulating how the structures that rules create should be used.

Rules of grammar operate at various levels:
1.Phonetics/Phonology: This level focuses on the smallest unit of structure in language, the phoneme. Linguistic rules at this level describe how sounds are pronounced in various contexts.
So what is difference between phonetics and phonology ?
Phonology is learning about  pronounciation of sounds while phonetics is the result of it in the form of  voice.
For example : when you say  ‘B’  [bi], your libs closed and then opened with the encouragement of the air, so you can be producing  [bi].

Phonetics/Phonology , It includes place and manner of articulation.

2. Morphology: The next level of structure is the morpheme, the smallest unit of meaning in language. Rules of morphology focus on how words (and parts of words) are structured. It  describes all facets of word formation, such as how prefixes and suffixes are added.

For exampel : love =>loved, loving ; try => tried, trying.

3. Syntax: The largest level of structure is the clause, which can be analyzed into what are called clause functions: subject, predicator, object, complement, and adverbial. Syntax is learning about  specifically how words, phrases, clauses, and
sentences are structured.
For example : I broke it
it is a main clause – it can stand alone as a sentence, as opposed to a subordinate clause, which has to be part of an independent clause – and can be analyzed as containing :
a subject (I)
a predicator (broke)
a direct object (it).

At the level of syntax, there are many rules stipulating how constituents within a clause are grouped. For instance, all languages have constraints on how constituents should be ordered.

4. Semantics:  the study of semantics is typically focused on such topics as the meaning of individual words (lexical
semantics) and the ability of words to refer to points in time or individuals in the external world (deixis).

At the level of sound,
Example :  kick /kIk/ and sick /sIk/,

the choice of /k/ vs. /s/ results in words with two entirely different meanings.

At the level of morphology, placing the prefix un- before the word happy results in a word with an opposite meaning: unhappy.

At the level of syntax, the sentence Jose wrote to  Carla means something entirely different than Carla wrote to Jose because in English, word order is a crucial key to meaning. But even though meaning is present at all levels of linguistic structure.

Semantics is the study which learning  the meaning of morphemes, words, phrases and sentences. Semantics do not care about the situation when  morpheme, word, or phrase that is used. The object of study semantics has only one meaning, the meaning attached to it in accordance with the dictionary.

Example :
(correct)  I walked in the road yesterday
(incorrect) I walked in the sea yesterday ( in syntax, it is true structure)

As you know that impossible to walk in sea, although in syntax it is true but in semantics is not has meaning.

5. Pragmatics : It is learning not just about meaning that attached to the morpheme, word, phrase or sentence, but also context of a speech is uttered. Pragmatics also pay attention to the time, place, situation, who utter the speech and to whom it is addressed.

Example : Desnor invited Nabila  to come to her party, but Nabila won’t to come to Desnor’s party because her exboyfriend, Andy came too.

Desnor : Will you come to my party ?
Nabila  : (a) No, I don’t want, because Andy come too. => semantics
               (b) sorry, my mom didn’t allow me. => pragmatics
               (c) I get sick, I’m sorry. => pragmatics

You can see in a,b,c. You can see what is difference among them. In the A, Nabila said honestly that she didn’t want to come and said her reason. It is meaning in semantics, the meaning is sure.
And about B and C, it is the way of Nabila that she rejected inviting of Desnor but she didn’t say her reason why she didn’t come to Desnor’s  party and say a lie.
Maybe she is ashamed saying her reason so she is lie.
It depends what Nabila’s mind, how she expresses her feeling.

Like I have said before  Pragmatics attached to the morpheme, word, phrase or sentence, but also context of a speech is uttered.

Ok. That is all for me. :) :) :)

#I’m receiving critics, suggestions that make this writing be better.

Thank you I hope it can help you


References :

Charles F. Mayer, Introducing  English Linguistics, 2009,[pdf]