


Code-switching is changing event from one code to another.  Include the utterence and sentences to change to other language.

For example, at first someone uses Indonesian language, and then he/she switches into English. because his/her friend is understand English. So. This event manifests in switch of regional, social, style variation

Code-Mixing: The use of two or more language by putting in/inserting one language into other language consistently.  It just mix word or phrase.

If the speaker mixes his/her code/language, then it must be asked who the speaker is: his/her social background, level of education, religion, etc.
Such as: in English class, a students ask his friends “please accompany me to kamar mandi lah..” from these example we know there are two languages that has been used.
Another example indonesia and regional language:
A.  “Mangka seringkali sok ada kata-kata seolah-olah bahasa daerah itu kurang penting”.
B.   “Nah, karena sudah kadhung apik sama dia ya tak teken".
C.    Banyak klap malam harus ditutup, Hendaknya segera diadakan hutanisasi kembali.
D.    Sudah waktunya kita menghindari backing-backingan dan klik-klikan.

1.      What is the benefit we learn code switching and code mixing?
Answer: its benefit to make creation of language among people with different style make us to know more about variation language in our life. And with code mixing help us to have ability to use two or more language.

2.      Is this study flexible to use in all situation?
Answer: yes, it is. But actually it depends on people what we are talking with.

3.      Differences English and Arabic code mixing?
Answer: English and Arabic have different structure and rule to create code mixing. We have learn each code separately. Maybe in English its enough familiar for used code mixing but in arrabic its cannot flexible to mixing in English. As we know in Arabic, they use Hijaiah and another side, English uses alphabetical.

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