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Semantics is study about meaning that is used to understand human expression through language.

Under the subjects of semantics, we shall deal with the concepts of :
 • Antonym
 • Synonym
 • Hyponym

Which are lexical components that can be compared based on the semantic relation.

1.      1Antonym
     Is the state or phrnomenon in which the words has the sense relation which involve the opposite of meaning.
     Antonym can be divided into 3 types :
§  Graded antonym
Refers to  the words related o the object they modify. The words themselves do not provide an absolute scale.
Examples : Big >< Small
                   Good >< Bad
                   Fast >< Slow
                   Young >< Old
Ex : 1. A fly is bigger than another (big is understood in the context flies)
        2. A small elephant is bigger than a big mouse
§  Complementarity
Refers to the existence of pairs that te denial of one, implies the assertion of the other.
Examples : Male >< Female
                  Alive >< Dead
                  Present >< Absent
                  Awake >< Asleep
§  Converseness
Refers to the pair of words that display symmetry in their meaning. It relates to two-term sets of words.
If  X gives Y to Z, then Z receives Y from X
Examples : Buy >< Sell
                   Command >< Serve
                  Give >< Take
In the context of sentence, occasionally the same verb can be supposed as a relational pair.

Ex : John married Mary = Mary married John

     In English, morphologically, there is a number of ways to form antonyms (add the prefix)
§  Prefix un-
Examples : Likely >< Unlikely
                  Able >< Unable
§  Prefix non-
Examples : Entity >< Nonentity
                   Descript >< Nondescript
§  Prefix in-
Examples : Tolerant >< Intolerant
                   Visible >< Invisivle
§  Prefix mis-
Example : Understanding >< Misunderstanding
                 Comunicate >< Miscomunicate
§  Prefix dis-
Examples : Like >< Dislike
                   Agree >< Disagree
1.       2.   Synonym
      Is the state or phenomenon in which the words that sound different ( different in pronounciation) but has the same or identical meaning as another word or phrase.
   Examples :               
Ø  small = little
Ø  big = large
Ø  politican = statesman

2.       3.   Hyponym
      Is the state or phenomenon that shows the relationship between more general term (lexical representation) and the spesific instances (hyponym) of it.
     Examples : 
Lexical representation
Musical instruments
Black coffee
      The relationship between the general term and spesific instances is often described using a hierarchical diagram (taxonomy)
      Examples :